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9 website design innovations businesses need to understand this 2020


Modern website design is a space where creative digital designs meet technology innovations. Good web design serves the needs of the visitors and the website brand by ensuring simplicity so that no information or functionality might distract the users.

An effective web design should fulfill its intended function by passing being engaging, but most importantly by fulfilling the primary role for which the user comes on board.

When designing a website there are many key factors that contribute to how it feels, looks and ultimately serves the audience. In this article, we highlight some modern innovations that set websites apart in 2020.

Search Engine Optimization is an essential factor when it comes to improving your website and ranking on popular search engines. This is important because ranking determines clicks and clicks result in traffic. It does this by use of a keyword that determines the success of a particular product and the performance of the website at large.

Proper placement of keywords and their general use in every page ensure that visitors can easily land on the product they are looking for. SEO is an ever-changing industry. Adjusting to new developments is the best practice to safeguard your company against constant fluctuations and this can help ensure your content succeeds today and beyond.

There is a big shift today on how visitors interact with websites. This in return, increases the urgency and inborn need to make all websites mobile-friendly and user-friendly in all other ways. If visitors land on your page and get disappointed by the user experience, you are driving away from a huge part of your potential traffic thus causing harm to your search engine rankings. A good site needs to display its content properly for easier navigation of new visitors.

A responsive design makes it easier for website users to find all the information they need a stress free by adjusting to the size of your browser automatically. A user-friendly and responsive web design has been one of the best web design practices since it serves all devices with the same code that adjusts to every screen size.

Ease of navigation is a key factor in the usability of a website. If new clients can easily find their way, they are most likely to stay than go looking for other sites. An effective navigation menu can help improve user experience, increase page reviews and this would eventually result to increase in revenue and profit.

Menu navigation should be simple and intuitive to help in finding content and equally work well with visitors as website development Brisbane experts explain. When searching for content on a website, the visitor expects a great experience by easily navigating through it but unfortunately, not every site is designed as well as it should be.

Branding is an attribute that gives your website a personality and voice that sets you apart from the rest. It pertains to telling your clients who you are and why you deserve to work with them. A website design that lacks consistency in branding is confusing and stressful. 

A best web design practice in Business 2 Business, is to have branding consistency throughout the entire site. Use deliberate logos, brand colors, and repetition of images and videos on every page of the website.

This network consists of network servers that help you deliver content in record time by setting them up ahead of time. This system allows you to keep control of your content ahead of where it belongs.

Content Delivery Network has its own advantages as it helps; increase page loading speed, handle high loads of traffic, reduce bandwidth consumption and block spammers and bots thus this innovation idea comes in handy in website innovation ideas.

For a good responsive web design, SVGs are a must-have. SVGs is a vector graphic format, used to display a variety of graphics on the web. One of the major advantages is that it is resolution-independent. Images can be scaled and look high definition on any display be it high or low pixel density. You can be at your own comfort knowing that any graphic will remain ultra-sharp without having to ever worry about resolution.

This results in consistency, giving it a polished look no matter how the site is being viewed. SVGs have smaller file size, that helps the site load faster and the images look sharp, regardless of whether you’re viewing on a mobile or desktop.

  1. Apply the third rule

During web designing, use an overlay of two horizontal and two vertical lines that are evenly spaced. The point at which these lines intersect is the point at which the eye naturally drifts when looking at a scene. Knowing this, you can put your important elements at those points and ensure the rest of your web design flows around those aspects.

Intense website personalization is incredibly powerful, especially in Ecommerce. When a user identifies themselves, they often provide valuable information about themselves and their needs. That allows objective communication to be conveyed using segmentation. This could occur through Facebook advertising or targeted email campaigns now that we know about the user and we can personalize the content based on their individual needs.  Personalization is based on many approaches that are adaptable, easy to implement and involves typically little technical financing.

Call to Action is typically a prompt on a website that encourages the audience to take some specified action to do something. The main goal of a website is to bring on board a large market and inform customers what you are offering. The ultimate goal should always be to tempt the customer to complete an action whether it’s to download some research article, sign up for a press release or set up for discussions.

Aggressive and reliable call to actions is fundamental to converting a website guest into a lead or new buyer. During the initial stages of Business 2 Business web design, strong CTAs should be taken into consideration and not as an afterthought. They should be located in an appropriate place that is visible and makes sense to the target market in the layout. This website design innovation can be considered by any industry of brand.


Continuous growth is an essential tool in web development. 2020 is the year to step up your game in the innovation of the best web design. This will make your website more interesting, engaging and shareable. Web design content will ultimately impact whether your site is successful or not.