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Here’s Why Your Business Still Needs a Top-quality Website

Upgrade Your E-commerce Website

In the age of social media, it can be tempting to believe the era of the website is over. Many companies go without a website altogether, strong in their convictions that an Instagram or Facebook presence is enough to build a brand on.

Although understandable, this perspective is flawed.

A website is still incredibly useful to your business – arguably more so than any social media account – so long as you approach it in the correct manner.

A website can actually do more damage than good to your brand if you only commit to it half-heartedly. This is to say, if you build an unattractive, cheap-looking website that you fail to populate or drive visitors to.

It will create a negative image of your brand, which no amount of social media engagement can overcome.

Instead, it is imperative to build a quality website and to populate it using SEO-friendly strategies.
Here’s why:

You want your brand to stand out on search engines

Arguably the most crucial reason why your business needs a top-quality website is so you can attract potential customers straight off of search engine results.

Creating an SEO-friendly website and optimising for Google with web professionals like ALT Agency is a powerful way to increase awareness of your brand. This means creating organic content which authentically helps and interests your customers and demonstrates the value of your services.

It is easy to get SEO wrong. Many businesses believe that showing up in the search engine rankings means nothing more than peppering keywords into every sentence on your website. In reality, this actually penalizes you and makes your content unreadable for your customers.

A great website speaks volumes about your quality control

It goes without saying that the details speak volumes about the whole. If a prospect visited your website and found it difficult to navigate, ugly to look at and confusing to read, it is unlikely they will come away with a positive opinion of your brand.

If you can’t get your website right, you stand little chance of getting your product or service right either.

The good news is that the opposite is also true.

If your website is high quality, it acts as a fantastic advertising hoarding for the quality of your brand.

A great website can act as the gravitational pull of your marketing universe

While a website is undoubtedly the most important single element of your online presence, it doesn’t mean you can’t have social media accounts.

Instead, use your website as the center of your digital ‘solar system’, which could include anything from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to YouTube and a podcasting service.

Your website is what you can link back to from all these accounts, where you can manage your business and even sell products. Without a quality website, these different accounts become lost and confused, as customers are unsure which ones to approach you on.

A website is more secure than social media

A further reason to maintain a quality website is for security. While your website is hosted by a service provider, it is far less likely that your website will be removed or hacked without prior warning than on a social media platform, for instance. While these removals are rare, they do leave businesses that rely solely on them for revenue in a vulnerable position.

By spreading your risk out across your website and social media platforms, you can remain in control.

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