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The Best Way To Hang A Heavy Mirror

The Best Way To Hang A Heavy Mirror

Everyone knows the challenges that arise when hanging a mirror. From not being straight to over-drilling a giant hole in your wall, it can be disaster after disaster, not to mention that time you dropped the heavy mirror, and it shattered into a million pieces. So why is this job so hard? It really should not be.

With the right equipment and a good plan, you will hang your mirror with ease. Soon all your friends and family will be seeking you out for all their mirror hanging needs.

The Wall 

Often the wall is the forgotten piece of the puzzle, and people plow on until they realize they are drilling into a bit of MDF and find a giant gaping hole staring back at them. Without checking what type of wall you are facing, you might be in trouble. So, before anything, you need to assess your space to ensure that your wall will take your heavy mirror. Basically, you will need to determine what type of wall you are dealing with. Check whether it is drywall, masonry, or plaster. There are several ways to test this, for example, if it is drywall or masonry, you will be able to push a tack quickly into the wall. Once you have determined your wall type, you will need to buy your equipment accordingly.

The Right Equipment

Before you bulldoze your way into a mirror hanging disaster, take a minute to get the right equipment sorted. You will need several things to get your heavy mirror hung. The essentials are wall plugs, an electric drill, a level, the right nails, and a mirror hook. You will want to make sure that the screws and wall plugs you buy are the correct strength for your wall. Do not panic if this seems like a lot of stuff; firstly, you will be able to use everything again so that the tools will come in handy, and secondly, has everything you need to hang your heavy mirror.

The Frame

Before you put your mirror in place, you will want to check the frame type. Mirror glass can be hefty, so when it is hanging from a wall, you want to ensure that it is not going to bust the frame that it is in. To do this, check that your structure is reinforced and solid enough to hold the mirror. If it is not, add attachments to the frame to increase its strength, so that it will be able to hold the mirror.

Hanging The Mirror

Once you have all your equipment and safety checks sorted, you can begin hanging your mirror. Firstly, you will need to pick a spot and carefully level out the placement of the mirror using a pencil or tape. Remember to mark from where the mirror hangs from the wire rather than the top of the mirror itself. Finally, set to work drilling your holes, and carefully insert your wall plugs and mirror hooks.

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